A Key Person Approach

The EYFS glossary defines a key person as, ‘the named member of staff with whom a child has more contact than other adults. This adult shows a special interest in the child through close personal interaction day to day’.

At Artemis we operate this approach for all of our age groups. We have found it to work well in insuring one said adult is paying full attention to the achievement of a said child and is moving them on accordingly.

A key person approach gives every child reassurance and helps them initially to become familiar with the nursery environment and to feel confident and safe in it. They will offer security, reassurance and continuity, and they will usually be the one to share your child’s experiences with you about their time in nursery.

They will observe them in play so that they can plan future opportunities and experiences that best meet their needs. Key persons are the lynchpins of our settings, as they shoulder the responsibility of creating an atmosphere in which your child will thrive.

“Your staff are the most professional but also the most caring I have ever come across, they are a great asset to you.”